above is a piece i did for a friend of mine of her recently born daughter and recently deceased greyhound. by 'recently' i mean in this past year-ish...give or take some time. just a pinch.
it could just be that i am out of sorts with my hare-brained sleep schedule that i am about to say such things...but this time thing is a crazy, abstract experience. last year i broke out of the conventional year and celebrated my new year on nov. 2nd. but popping back into the jan-dec calendar and looking back over 2007 all i have to say is that everything couldn't be more different and trying and amazing than i had expected from when it started. i am always impressed by this. a person can cram a lot into a year.
best wishes and hopes to a lot more cramming for everyone.
1 comment:
i've been thinking about this time business too. Reading An Acceptable Time (part of The Wrinkle in Time series - good holiday reading) and it talks about how acts in time (possibly) don't disappear or get left behind us but ripple out in concentric circles. Brilliant. There is so much to think about. (your picture is beautiful - babies and dogs, it gives one hope in the world)
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