Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
...there once was a lady from nantucket...
until then...if you are in/around/about los angeles this weekend, there is this. i have a piece in it, and there are many many other amazing pieces that are apart of this gargantuan show.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
...i'm getting kinder country all over my keyboard...

right now i am sitting in craftland waiting for artists and watching paint dry.
i got a text from deb last night who, while painting away in craftland, said that michael corrente poked his head in and said how excited he was that we would be opening up as a year-round store.
my response? 'hrm'
i was at home, collapsed on the couch...collapsed from working on the store that day and from my full serving of humidity, and i read her text and i thought 'hrmmm.' but in actuality it was more like a 'humpf!'
i thought about it moments later...wondered why i held some sort of subterranean grudge against a film maker that, on a day to day basis, i feel ambivalent about. and it occurred to me...well, it occurred to me this afternoon, not that i have been thinking about it for so hard or so long. no, it occurred to me today that, subterraneanly, i blame michael corrente for keeping me apart from my birthday twin, justine bateman.
see, a long time ago i worked at a gift store...a gift store where i first met deb dormody, which has little or nothing to do with this specific story, it's just information. i'm giving it out for free today. anyhow, the aforementioned store was selected by michael corrente himself, aka a location scout acting by proxy for mr. corrente, as a location for a scene in the movie.
i can't remember the ramifications of the situation, if we stayed open, if regularly scheduled workers had to show up, but i remember the lights being off in the store and i remember being bummed beforehand about the hassle of having to work around a film crew. that is until i was told that justine bateman was in the movie and that she was scheduled to be there that very day.
see, a long time ago, much longer before this time, my mind was blown that other people had the same birthday as you. it's a simple concept if you give it two seconds to think about the bajillion people in the world, but i didn't think about practical things. so, i'm super young, i'm grasping at the idea that not only regular joes have my birthday but famous people do too. famous people! which is when i discovered that justine bateman...along with copernicus, carson mccullers, smokey robinson, brancusi, steven nichols (patch from days of our lives! what!), seal, and benecio del toro...had the same birthday as me.
mallory. mallory and me. me and mallory.
i would sit and wonder how much we might be alike. we would get the same jokes and agree on really subtle things. she would just 'get' me. oh eight year old me.
so fourteen or fifteen years later this opportunity gets dangled in front of my face...to meet my birthday twin. while i am a relatively sane adult, the second grader in me sprang forth and tried to figure out what i'd say, how i'd try to play it cool and matter of fact that we have this one awesome thing in common...tying us together through the universe...through time even. it was going to go so smoothly.
(side note: in spite of being a relatively sane adult, there wasn't a part of me that didn't think that justine bateman wouldn't be impressed. it never crossed my mind.)
the big day came. there were trailers outside. large cables coming in and out of the store...as if we had it hooked up to life support. we, the workers who volunteered to be there that day, had to be quiet. i was maybe two hours into quietly hanging around in the dark, eagerly but nonchalantly looking around for my twin, when it was broken to me that justine wasn't coming in to the shoot. i can't even remember why. i think i stopped hearing for a few seconds.
while it probably has nothing to do with michael corrente there is no way i could put it on justine bateman. twins just don't do that to other twins...unless she's the evil birthday twin. hmmmm...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
...pvd to nyc...

a thing to know about me is that i love clouds. it's a serious problem...even more so now that i live on the east coast where clouds do not reach the epic, constant and ever-changing menagerie of the clouds in the pacific northwest. flying back into providence in september, looking out the window of the plane i sourly thought to myself...'look at them. they look like mashed potatoes squatting on plexiglas. harumph.'
this past friday i traveled down to brooklyn for my brother's going away party. it was the shortest, longest trip i have taken in awhile. you know...the kind where in less than 36 hours you descend upon a city, cram a late night and a full day of activity down your socialization hole, and swoop back out with a dazed and slimy feeling. it was a great time.
the east coast, weather-wise, has been bombarded with weeks-on-end, flat grey skies and rain. it's making a lot of people around here cranky. not so much me, i like grey weather, but i keep my mouth shut.
anyhow, on the bus ride down i got to experience this panorama of weather that formed and broke up as i traveled south. the biggest bonus: mammatus clouds (second photo from the bottom). i have a barometric crush on them, but have never seen them in person. they occur when the worst of a thunderstorm has passed. i quietly freaked out on the bus.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1. 'bret you've got it going on'...flight of the conchords; more specifically the line "that's the conclusion that i've come to, but that doesn't mean that i wanna bum you." over and over again. if you don't know what i mean...here.
2. 'maybe'...from annie; more specifically from "betcha he reads, betcha she sews" to " don't really care as long as they're mine." over and over in my head on a bike, how grossly twee is that? here.
3. 'nikita'...by elton john...which is unexplainable. but later on turned into 'la lupita' as that is where me and folks had dinner tonight. here.
currently and all day i have been transferring files from an old laptop to a new laptop...which is a long and non-elegant process.
i have never watched the 'nikita' video before...what is elton john bowling in?
Friday, June 12, 2009
...sneak peeks of future tuesdays...

Sunday, June 7, 2009
...i tried to learn the drums, i tried to learn guitar, but it was my brother who tried to teach me, so i didn't get very far...

friends of mine and friends of friends of mine are organizing girls rock ri...a rock camp for girls and women in the state of rhode island. hrm...imagine that i wrote a more stunning an non repetitive/overly self explanator second half of the first sentence.
anyhow, girls rock ri (grr) is being created as part of an already existing and growing network of similar camps across the country. in a nutshell, over usually a week-long period girls and women are instructed by women how to play an instrument, the members of the camp break into bands and at the end of their time at camp they perform a gig. it's an amazing experience where chicks get to come together, focus on being awesome as chicks, get some learn on, meet some new faces in a a women-run, supportive environment.
are you excited? i'm excited. i'm excited about two things:
one: deb, shea and i have been tossing around the idea of a three drummered band. none of us has any for sure drumming experience...but judging by our air-drum styles it promises to be a very eclectic experience.
two: new artwork (peek above and below) for the grr fundraiser this saturday at machines with magnets in pawtucket. so, if you are in new england/rhode island/pawtucket (aka the bucket) this weekend and you're hankering for some art and music, machines with magnets will be the place to be.

random bits i'm excited about, in no particular order:
bike rides, especially in groups
providence pretending to be seattle
well made brunches
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
...hiding in plain sight...

presenting, my studio...cleaner than before.
i'm checking in to let you in on one thing and one thing only...limited editon prints of selected images are available over at art star. check them out. here.
other than that, i'm hiding from the sun. i'm a champion of cloudy, overcast, drizzly, snowy, and all around cozy on the inside days.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
...bizzaro jen...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
...i'm there...
i've done it, i'm there, i've hit the wall...or i am starting to. i just realized as i started this post that the photo i put up in november, me with the headphones, is the same me as sits here today. headphones on, at my desk...four straight months (six really...i just didn't have the headphones in september or october) of sitting, thinking, staring, sketching, painting, listening to music all the time, getting irritated at music, getting new music, not listening to it because i'm not good at committing to new music, listening to audiobooks all the time, getting fussy about audio books, "watching" interweb tv all the time, becoming an interweb tv zombie, getting bored with all of my procrastination tricks. i'm starting to feel a little bleary-eyed.
and don't ask about my studio...because it is a hell hole.
actually, you don't even have to ask...i took a photo. see leonard on the floor...he's not sleeping, he's expressing shame.
but it's good. it's all good. it's character building. and come march...i'm taking some time off, doing a lot of good nothing, writing ridiculous posts and officially setting up my studio.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
...don't call it a comeback...

i've been out of the loop. m.i.a. a no show. it's true. i'm busted.
the fact of the matter is is that i have been working my ass off, all the time, around the clock, a slave to my desk. it's hard to prove this as none of my proof will peep its head out of the ground...not for a while at least. all of this is more vague than 20 groundhogs at different points in the country trying to predict the length of winter.
what i can tell you about is my solo show coming up at the end of the month. it's titled "clementine" and it opens on february 28th at art star in philly. i will be there, in attendance, as will be several members of my family and friends. they're all good people. really.
things to look out for:
1. any screening of handmade nation
2. i will never forget you (a group show i am a part of in seattle)
3. more books from me
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