Tuesday, June 19, 2007

...where you been...

so, the seattle move is finished in so far as all of my stuff has arrived, unharmed, uncrushed. and that goes for the pysanky eggs i made over a vermont weekend...one of the earlier photos of this here blog. sure, they're a little stinky, but intact. intact and stinky.

so yes, everything is here and now everything needs its place.

i haven't written anything in awhile b/c i have been running around getting necessities for the house and then working on projects. i had a post i was working on, about the virtues of proper interior painting techniques...and i might finish it, but really, there were a lot of paint fumes affecting my judgement that day.

but since all of my junk is here, including the cable that connects my camera to my laptop, i figure a photo post is what's called for. why not?

poppies on my walk...

towers on a sunny day...

towers on a stormy day...

towers at sunset...

underside of towers...just because...

my stuff's arrived...temporary crap out place for me and the sneak...

the sneak in the kitchen garden window...

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