this was said to not so much to me but the bus load that i was included in one day by a very loud, pontificating man. it was the number 7 bus. a bus i had long suspected of being the ultimate crazy bus of seattle. that day was the first time i had ever taken the 7 and my old preconceived notions proved true by that one individual. it's okay. every town has that one bus. in providence it's the 99. it goes to pawtucket.
before the 7 i swore the crazy bus was the bus that ran down aurora. i took it in the ye olde days when i was the display slave at urban outfitters. the aurora bus took me to the closest lowes/home depot...and i based my assumption on the fact that it was a triple digit bus. triple digit buses scream trouble. the aurora bus was in the three hundreds...so triple the trouble.
but back to the seven bus...
"what are you supposed to do with the sun and the moon when you are a pisces?" was professed by a man who seemed/admitted that he was surprised to be preaching to the bus. apparently he had no intention of doing so that day. funnily enough his words did not fall on deaf ears being that i was there and the day before was my birthday. i turned 34. i was a 34 year old pisces. i couldn't help but feel that i had an idea of what he was going on and on about.
i can't explain it to you. you wouldn't get it. if you are a pisces you already know.
anyhow, sooooooo much time has passed...unintentionally. that is the thing about time. it doesn't care how much of it you meant for it to pass...it just goes. and tomorrow, the 19th i am 34 years and one month. it's pretty spectacular. i love getting old.
i can't tell you where all the time went. mostly it would bore you. i've done some work. i have procrastinated on some work. me and mr. pants have made a lot of headway...so much so that he goes by leonard now. my super honey has visited me twice, my hair has grown, i've gone back to yoga classes, gone back to the y, gone back to crosswords, become addicted to scrabulous and scramble on facebook, kept on my new year's resolution, kept secrets, gossiped, finally got my lawn taken care of, eaten the most delicious, fancy version of vietnamese tofu sandwiches many many times at my local coffee shop several times, gotten back to letter writing and was thrilled to get back to 'lost'.
i have gotten a few emails about my lack of updates...which i apologize for. but what can i say...i am an a+ hermit.
irregardless of that here is a point by point update of what to vaguely expect from me in this year:
- i have a few pieces in a group show at project: gallery in los angeles.
- "little hoot" is out and about.
- "hansel and gretel" makes it's debut in september via hyperion.
- i am working on two other books that will be out in 2009...a book about darwin and the third installment to the "little" series..."little oink".
- the april issue of o magazine has a piece on tiny showcase featuring the first print i ever did with them.
- i have a series of illustrations in the april issue of real simple.
- prints are available through project: gallery. more prints will be available through art star in the near future.
- i have a feature in an upcoming issure of corduroy.
- i have several shows tentatively planned for this year...one group show in portland, a solo show with giant robot...both dates tba and a group show with tiny showcase in september. the tiny showcase show is particularly exciting to me b/c i will be collaborating with my brother jason. i don't know how you all will cope with the power of two coraces at once. good luck.
- i uploaded a bunch of sketches on my flickr account to keep you occupied.
- most importantly...on saturday i leave for mexico on a cruise with jason and my sister's family. and if you know me at all you would say "you? on a cruise?" it's true. many capers and awesome photos will abound. i already have the cruise pants to get me started. they are what i call "uncle frank green". you might not know my uncle frank...but he is a man who is famous for his "go to hell pants." my pants aren't specifically go to hell pants...but for me they are the closest thing.
i am hoping to have a cruise recap.